Freshly picked by you! Create your very own bouquet for yourself or a loved one to show them how special they are. Although this bouquet doesn’t have fresh floral fragrances for the senses it does have all the visual beauty.
This bouquet consists of sapphires, if you are looking for other stones that are meaningful to you please reach out for pricing. In the notes, you can specify the color palette that you would like for your ring and make sure to include contact information that we can reach you at to confirm your layout.
Sapphires about 1.7mm and 1.9mm (blues, greens, pinks, oranges, yellows)
14k gold (yellow, rose or white)
Free Shipping on Domestic Orders
Materials: 14k gold, sapphires
Note: For additional stone request, please send us a message.
Need your ring bigger than whats offered? An additional fee will be applied to ring orders larger than size 8. Please contact us for exact pricing or feel free to place your order and we will send you an additional invoice with larger size fee. Please see FAQ for more information.